The platform for regional development in Switzerland

Aus- und Weiterbildungen

Aus- und Weiterbildungen Übersicht

Sustainable Tourims for Mountain Areas

The course will explore, analyze and describe development trajectories, models, and ​existing ​examples ​from ​the economic, socio-cultural and natural sciences sector​s​ ​in terms of  how they relate to tourism. Examples come from the international level (7 countries and 48 regions of the ​EUSALP area). ​The course also aims to analyze the potential of new technologies and telematic tools for the organization and promotion of ​tourism activities.

The goal of the course is to provide training that will allow for the creation of new jobs in the tourist sector throughout the Alpine Macroregion​. The course will be in English and is directed towards: employees in the tourism and hospitality sectors and similar professions; organizers of fairs, exhibitions and cultural events; organizers of conferences and receptions; tour operators and​ ​​people in ​similar professions; travel agents; tourist agencies;​ ​​tourist guides, for example those with expertise in the natural environment, mountain activities, and culture and sports;​ ​​and ​public administrators.


Edolo (BS)
Università della Montagna
Segreteria UNIMONT
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