La plate-forme du développement régional en Suisse

MSc Business Administration – Major in Entrepreneurship (Innovation & Growth)

Kurstage jeweils Donnerstags, Freitags und Samstags (Vormittag), Beginn KW 38


Candidates must be holders of a bachelor/HES diploma in Business Administration, Computer Management professions, Tourism and Hotel/Hospitality Industry, hold a bachelor’s degree in Political Economy, Management and Finance or hold another university title deemed equivalent.


Successful entrepreneurship is a cohesive process of planning, idea development, creativity and risk-taking. 

The main reasons for studying entrepreneurship are to create entrepreneurial awareness, to develop analytical and creative skills, and to encourage students to transform themselves into entrepreneurs of entrepreneurial employees. An additional feature of our Master Program - comprised of an intelligent mix of theory and practical work - is that it encourages party-time employment by the student. 

That's why we are convinced that all our future graduates have excellent prospects on the job market. Special attention is given to developing both analytical and action-oriented competencies as well as outstanding interpersonal skills.


The Master program is organized in a series of modules that are carefully integrated, yet distinct in their diverse methodological approaches. Advanced level lectures, workshops focusing on the theoretical and scientific foundation of the various disciplines, special events and action-learning projects simulate the challenges of economic life. An entrepreneurial laboratory where students will learn by doing, discussions with entrepreneurs, applied research projects, and a business plan competition provide for an action-oriented character to the program. A trip abroad (e.g. Boston, Singapore, Mexico) to discover a new market completes this challenging study program.


Semester 1: General Management; Research Methods; Major Modules (Entrepreneurial Intention and New Venture; Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship); Ventures in Action Project

Semester 2: General Management; Major Modules (Venture Planning); Applied Research Projects (Innovation Discovery & Technology Transfer); Ventures in Action Project

Semester 3: Major Modules (Entrepreneurial Finance; International Entrepreneurship), Applied Research Projects (International Case Study; Discovering New Markets); Ventures in Action Project

Semester 4: Major Modules (Growth Management); Ventures in Action Project; Master Thesis




Master of Science in Business Administration – Major in Entrepreneurship (Innovation and Growth)


Unterrichtssprache ist English

Type de rendez-vous
Hochschule für Wirtschaft (HSW) Freiburg, Haute École de Gestion (HEG) de Fribourg (HES-SO)
Raphael Gaudart
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