The platform for regional development in Switzerland

Workshops series: Corporate-Startup Partnering for Success

Given the speed of innovation and the shorter technology lifecycles, both large companies and startups have a vested interest in partnering. Successful alliances can significantly speed up time to market and scaling up, amongst others. However, there are many reasons why such partnerships could go wrong.

EPFL Innovation Park created a 4 half-day workshops with dozens of company executives as speakers, to talk about their best practices and lessons learned from their own experiences. There will be case studies as well as group discussions. Start-up CEO/CTOs and Corporate innovation managers will have the possibility to work side by side to help each other, to achieve better understanding and to build a powerful business and personal network.

The program consists of 4 afternoons from 14h00 to 18h00 at EPFL Innovation Park November 8th, 15ht, 22nd and 29th, to easily fit into your schedule at the following dates. Participants who can not attend the 4 consequent workshops can invite a colleague from their team to attend, in order to ensure the continuity and the quality of exchange with other participating companies.

Thursday Nov. 8th, 2018: Why – Key benefits & challenges

  • State of the art: overview of various forms of partnering between startups and corporates
  • Key benefits & challenges: real examples of success and failures
  • Understanding each other: comparison of organisations, operating modes and decision processes between startups and corporates

Thursday Nov. 15th, 2018: How – Business partnership & R&D co-development

  • Building relationship supplier – customer: how to approach each other
  • Business partnership: leveraging each other’s commercial network
  • R&D co-development: case studies, key issues, tips and limit

Thursday Nov. 22nd, 2018: How – Corporate venture funds, startup acquisition & other forms

  • Corporate venture fund: why and how
  • Startup acquisition by corporates: key issues and tips
  • Other forms of partnerships: startup incubator, acceleration programs and startup competitions
  • Testimonials from leaders of corporates and startups

Thursday Nov. 29th, 2018: Necessary conditions – Rules of the game & action plan

  • Necessary conditions for a successful partnership startup – corporate: building an entrepreneurial mindset
  • Rules of the game for startups and for corporates
  • Group work: peer-to-peer discussion to improve respective plan of partnering
  • Presentation of your roadmap, get direct feedback from trainers and peers
Fondation EPFL Innovation Park
Fondation EPFL Innovation Park
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