La plate-forme du développement régional en Suisse

Strategic AG9 Event: Energy Efficiency in Enterprises in the EUSALP macro-region

The promotion of energy efficiency measures in the economic sector in the EUSALP macro-region is a strategic goal of EUSALP Action Group 9 that has the mission «to make the territory a model region for energy efficiency and renewable energy». On March 21 and 22, 2019, decision-makers, energy agencies, civil society, administrations, businesses and their associations and R&D will gather in Bolzano to discuss strategic steps of the EUSALP to support and promote energy efficiency in enterprises. Together, participants will concretize a wider trend-setting framework that will foster and support energy efficiency policies in the macro-region with the aim of making its economy more competitive and sustainable while creating new opportunities for the green economy sector. The event is organized by EUSALP Action Group 9 and under the patronage of the Italian EUSALP Presidency chaired by the Region of Lombardy.

Type de rendez-vous
Bolzano (I)
Action Group 9, Raffaele Raja
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