La piattaforma per lo sviluppo regionale in Svizzera

International workshop and conference on «Innovation networks in regional development – The role of entrepreneurs, universities, municipalities and NGOs»

Regional development is a crucial area of public policy for enhancing innovation and competitiveness. For Central- and Eastern Europe it is even more critical, since the shortage of entrepreneurial knowledge and innovation capacities are clear obstacles of economic growth and welfare. Innovation networks focusing on regional development could help SMEs to join the knowledge-based economy, however joining suchnetworks are challenging.


During the workshop we would like to discuss the following questions:

  • What kind of public policies could be useful for establishing innovation networks for regional development?
  • What are the roles of the different actors – SMEs, municipalities, civil organizations and universities – in the networks?
  • How such networks can boost the competitiveness and innovativeness of SMEs?
  • What are the key institutional factors which are needed to establish and operate such networks?
  • How can such networks be embedded into the local economy and still be open for global challenges?
  • How can knowledge be circulated between the members of such networks?
  • Who should take the initiator of such network and who should be the leader of it?
  • What kind of infrastructure is needed for such an innovation network?
  • How do the concepts of Living Labs / Innovation Labs relate to these networks?
  • How should we empirically analyse these innovation networks for regional development? How can we measure their performance?
  • What are the best practises of innovation networks in the field of regional development?
  • How has the theory of smart specialization been adapted in the context of
  • public development?
Tipo di evento
Székesfehérvár, Ungheria
Corvinus University of Budapest
Réka Csaba
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