Die Plattform für Regionalentwicklung in der Schweiz

ESPON Seminar: «Where are European cities heading? Evidence for better policy-making»

The objective of the Seminar is to promote the use of existing and new upcoming ESPON territorial evidence in policy-making by bringing together and facilitating the dialogue among key stakeholders. The debate is also aimed at raising the awareness of ESPON support and increasing the usefulness of ESPON outputs by engaging stakeholders in designing the content of upcoming activities within the ESPON 2020 Cooperation programme.

The EU Urban Agenda provides an important framework for developing and implementing better policies and providing better knowledge to tackle urban challenges. Targeted and timely territorial evidence to support the work of urban partnerships is one of the key preconditions for their success. Therefore, one of the new priorities of ESPON in the coming years will be related to supporting the work of urban partnerships and the debate on their role in a wider territorial context.

In this context, the agenda of the first day will be focused around the topic of urban development. It will be introduced by the presentations on the most recent trends in the development of cities and followed by parallel policy-labs engaging policy-makers and researchers in a debate on the policy needs and possible measures to promote sustainable and inclusive cities, as well as urban-rural partnerships.

The afternoon of the first day and the second day of the seminar will be devoted to promoting the use of ESPON tools, creating new partnerships for targeted analysis activities and designing the content of next ESPON activities together with key stakeholders.

The registration is open and can be done until Wednesday 23 November 2016 at 15h00.

Bratislava (SK)
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