Die Plattform für Regionalentwicklung in der Schweiz

Policy Tuesday: A World of Flows: Labour Mobility, Capital & Knowledge in an Age of Global Reversal and Regional Revival

The RSA will hold its second Policy Tuesday on 5th June 2018 as part of the RSA’s Annual Conference. The day will feature plenary presentations, panels and paper sessions on issues and inputs concerned with place-based policies with a special stream on Cohesion Policy. We offer a day registration option to join the Policy Tuesday and to benefit from latest research, policy and development insights.

The Regional Studies Association works with its international membership to facilitate the highest standards of theoretical development, empirical analysis and policy debate of issues at this sub-national scale, incorporating both the urban and rural and different conceptions of space such as city-regions and interstitial spaces. They are, for example, interested in issues of economic development and growth, conceptions of territory and its governance and in thorny problems of equity and injustice.

Lugano (TI)
Regional Studies Association
Wanda Miczorek
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